form-net-17 is out: Die Minimalistin - Fernab EP, published on: 06.04.2008 by the editorial office |
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Tanja Dovens alias "Die Minimalistin" release her fantastic EP "fernab" at format noise and we say thank you for this great experimental ambient music. Four minimalistic ambient tracks transports your memories outa space. It's a must have for lovers and collectors of electronic arts.
About Die Minimalistin:
Tanja Dovens, born on Sep5,1975 and living in Berlin, received a classical piano-training at the music-academy in Hamburg plus education in composition and audition. At the age of 13 she already developed her own compositions in classical minimal-music that still plays an important role in her musical activities nowadays. In December 2006 the first computer-compositions involving music-software, VST-plug-ins and VST-instruments were developed. Tanja D. likes to integrate noise-recordings of everyday life (ventilation-systems, tubes, etc.) as well as lyrics and her own voice. After having tested various styles of electronic music (e.g. minimal techno) she soon discovered the experimental electronic style and dark-ambient-genre. Currently she mainly concentrates on experimental dark-ambient-soundscapes and production of surreal sounds accompanying visual artworks. Inspired by the established project Exurban founded by the artist ADAMNED.AGE, she began to deal with the photographic/visual realisation of experimental contents and ex-urban rooms as basis for musical soundscapes. The most important aspect is the audiovisuality reference in her works; associative journeys through abstract, irreal and fantastic worlds or experienced events.