NEW RELEASE: MY EYES GROW DARKER - FM DEATH RADIO, published on: 15.12.2014 by the editorial office |
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MY EYES GROW DARKER is the one man side-project of [basementgrrr] aka Ralf and was born in the beginning of 2014.
Due to the excitement of modular synths and building his own electronic devices, he started this project to dig deeper into the world of experimental electronics and improvisation.
Influenced by bands like PAN SONIC, THROBBING GRISTLE, LE MODERNISTE and early industrial from the 80s, he decided to change his own procedure of making music as he refuses himself to program sounds and beats at the laptop. Instead he uses digital/analog hardware, field recordings, distorted samples and any other device that makes a weird noise to be used in this project.
The intention and mood of "FM DEATH RADIO" is to express fear, anger and a growing discontent in politics and the so called perfect society!
The continuously destruction of nature is a huge topic too. The tracks on the EP evolved mostly from jam sessions which were than destroyed and cut up until it shaped into a final version. The track “CARRIER SIGNAL” originally was a live improvisation during the support gig for SUDDEN INFANT on their European Tour in 2014 and ended up on the EP in a proper mixed version.Accidents are welcome every time and the unpredictable is something that wants to be explored further on!
The debut release "FM DEATH RADIO" is just the beginning as there is more to come in 2015 including more live performances.
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